Professional Football Player Jimin Bin Opens Up About His Successful Season with Sons of the Sahya

Professional Football Player Jimin Bin Opens Up About His Successful Season with Sons of the Sahya

Reporter: Hello Jimin, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. You've had an exceptional season so far with Sons of the Sahya, scoring 11 goals in 12 matches. How do you feel about your performance?

Jimin: Thank you, I appreciate the kind words. I'm just happy to contribute to the team's success. It's been a great season for us so far and I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had to score goals.

Reporter: You mentioned that you enjoy playing against LUC. What is it about that club that makes it your favorite opponent?

Jimin: LUC always brings out the best in us. It's a challenging match but also a fun one. The rivalry between our clubs adds an extra level of excitement to the game, and I always look forward to facing them on the field.

Reporter: Your favorite formation is 4-4-2, and you have a neutral play style. How do you think this strategy benefits you and your team?

Jimin: I believe that the 4-4-2 formation allows us to maintain a strong defensive presence while still having enough attacking options. My play style is neutral because I like to adapt to the game and make decisions based on what's best for the team at that moment.

Reporter: You've mentioned that you like clubs that invest in team chemistry and culture. How has Sons of the Sahya fulfilled that criteria for you?

Jimin: Sons of the Sahya has a great team atmosphere. We all get along well both on and off the field, and that definitely translates into our performance during matches. The club has done a fantastic job of building a strong culture that allows us to succeed together.

Reporter: And finally, can you share a random interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Jimin: Well, I'm actually a big fan of cooking. I enjoy experimenting with different recipes and trying out new dishes. It's a great way for me to relax and unwind when I'm not on the pitch.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that with us, Jimin. We wish you continued success with Sons of the Sahya and look forward to seeing more of your exceptional performances on the field.

Jimin: Thank you, it was a pleasure speaking with you.