Raizes Sao Paulo Forward Selena Greek Talks About Her Exceptional Form and Love for Defending

Raizes Sao Paulo Forward Selena Greek Talks About Her Exceptional Form and Love for Defending

Interviewer: Selena, congratulations on your exceptional form this season. You've been in incredible shape and have been a key player for Raizes Sao Paulo. How do you feel about your recent performances?

Selena: Thank you, I appreciate it. It's been a great season so far, and I'm pleased with my individual performances. I've been working extremely hard in training, pushing myself to the limit every day. My goal is to thrive as a footballer, and I believe I'm on the right track.

Interviewer: Your dedication to your craft is truly commendable. Can you tell us more about your practice ethics and what drives you to work so hard?

Selena: My practice ethics are quite extreme, to be honest. I'll do everything I can to get better. Everything. I've sacrificed a lot to reach this level. No friends, no fun. Just work, all day every day. Football is my life, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

Interviewer: That level of commitment is truly inspiring. Have you made any changes to your lifestyle as you've gotten older to prolong your career?

Selena: Absolutely. As a young player, I wasn't the most health-conscious on the pitch. But with age and experience, I've realized the importance of taking care of my body. I've gradually adopted healthier habits, focusing on a more balanced diet and incorporating fitness routines to keep myself in top shape. Less fast food, more keto.

Interviewer: That's great to hear, Selena. Now, let's talk about your favorite club to play against. Who would that be?

Selena: I must say, one of my favorite clubs to play against is HOS. They always bring out the best in me, and the matches against them are always intense and exciting. It's a challenge that I enjoy facing.

Interviewer: Interesting choice. Moving on, what is your favorite formation to play in, and why?

Selena: My favorite formation would have to be 4-2-3-1. It allows for a strong defensive structure while providing enough attacking options. As a forward, I appreciate the balance it brings to the team, allowing me to exploit spaces and contribute to both defending and attacking phases of the game.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you give us an insight into your personal life? Do you have any random interesting facts you'd like to share?

Selena: Well, one random fact about my life is that I'm particularly drawn to clubs that pay their players well. It's an aspect that I prioritize when considering potential transfers. Financial stability plays a significant role in my decision-making process.

Interviewer: Thank you, Selena, for taking the time to chat with us. We wish you all the best for the remainder of the season and your future endeavors.

Selena: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure.