Revolution Sao Paulo's Giavanna Carpio Talks About Her Exceptional Form and Love for Entertaining Clubs

Revolution Sao Paulo's Giavanna Carpio Talks About Her Exceptional Form and Love for Entertaining Clubs

Interviewer: Hello Giavanna, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Let's start off by talking about your recent exceptional form. How do you feel about your performance on the field this season?

Giavanna: Thank you for having me. I have been feeling great on the field lately. I have been working hard to maintain my fitness and it's really paying off. I am happy to contribute to the team's success.

Interviewer: You mentioned that you like clubs who put on a good show for the fans. Can you elaborate on what you enjoy most about playing for such clubs?

Giavanna: I think it's important for football to be entertaining for the fans. I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when we score a goal or make a great play. It's a great feeling to know that we are giving them something to cheer for.

Interviewer: Speaking of playing for clubs, what do you think sets Revolution Sao Paulo apart from other clubs you have played for?

Giavanna: Revolution Sao Paulo has a great atmosphere and a strong fan base. The support from the fans really motivates me to perform at my best. I also appreciate the club's commitment to putting on a good show for the fans.

Interviewer: You have a reputation for being a balanced player, both in terms of your healthiness and your practice ethics. Can you share some insights into how you maintain a healthy lifestyle while still having fun?

Giavanna: I believe in finding a balance between work and play. I try to take care of my body by eating well, getting enough rest, and staying active. I also make sure to put in the work on the field, but I never forget to enjoy the game and have fun while doing it.

Interviewer: Lastly, is there a particular club or team that you enjoy playing against the most?

Giavanna: I always look forward to playing against OSV. They are a tough opponent, but I enjoy the challenge of facing them on the field. It's always a competitive and exciting match whenever we play against them.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights with us, Giavanna. It has been a pleasure speaking with you.

Giavanna: Thank you for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about my love for the game and my experiences on the field.