Rising Star Stevan Jankowski Talks Football, Fun, and Future with Blue Devils Busan

Rising Star Stevan Jankowski Talks Football, Fun, and Future with Blue Devils Busan

Interviewer: Welcome, Stevan Jankowski! At just 17 years old, you've already made quite an impression in the football world. Your recent form has been exceptional, despite being considered a developing player with weak skills. Can you tell us more about your journey so far?

Stevan Jankowski: Thank you! It's been an incredible journey for me. While my skills might not be the strongest right now, I believe in constant improvement and hard work. I've always been one to enjoy the game and have fun while playing, but I'm also aware of the importance of investing in team chemistry and culture within clubs.

Interviewer: That's an interesting perspective. Speaking of clubs, you currently play for Blue Devils Busan. How has your experience been with them?

Stevan Jankowski: Blue Devils Busan has been a great club for me so far. Although I haven't played any matches this season, I've been given the opportunity to train and develop my skills. The coaching staff and my teammates have been supportive, and I appreciate that.

Interviewer: We understand that you are not known for your willingness to put in extra work, yet you manage to make it work on the pitch. Can you explain your practice ethics?

Stevan Jankowski: Football is important to me, but so is having fun and spending time with my family. I wouldn't call myself lazy, but rather someone with a wide range of interests. I believe that balance is key in life. However, as I grow older and gain experience, I'm taking steps to adopt healthier habits and prolong my career. I'm gradually cutting down on fast food and embracing a more keto-based diet.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. Let's talk about your favorite club to play against. Who would that be?

Stevan Jankowski: GAU is definitely my favorite club to play against. The energy and competition they bring to the game always make it a thrilling match. It's a challenge that I look forward to every time.

Interviewer: And what is your preferred formation when playing?

Stevan Jankowski: My favorite formation would be 4-5-1. I believe it provides a good balance between defense and attack, allowing me to contribute effectively as a defender.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share your favorite play style?

Stevan Jankowski: I would say my favorite play style is neutral. I enjoy adapting to the game and making the best decisions based on the situation at hand. It keeps things interesting and allows me to learn and grow as a player.

Interviewer: Before we conclude, could you share an interesting fact about your life?

Stevan Jankowski: Of course! An interesting fact would be that besides football, I also have a passion for art. I love sketching and painting in my free time. It's a creative outlet that helps me unwind and express myself in different ways.

{Rising Star Stevan Jankowski Aims to Strike the Perfect Balance Between Development and Enjoyment}