Rising Star Yeng Gee Talks Sacrifices and Success

Reporter: Good evening, Yeng Gee. Congratulations on your exceptional recent form and being a key player for the Mumbai Leopards. How does it feel to be at the top of the league table as well?
Yeng Gee: Thank you. It feels amazing to be part of such a successful team and to contribute to our current ranking. We have been working hard in training, and it's great to see our efforts paying off on the field.
Reporter: You mentioned sacrificing everything else in your life for football. Can you elaborate on that?
Yeng Gee: Certainly. From a very young age, I made a conscious decision to prioritize my football career above all else. It meant giving up socializing and indulging in recreational activities. My only focus has always been to improve as a footballer and to thrive in this profession.
Reporter: That's quite a dedication. What drives you to work so hard?
Yeng Gee: Football is my passion, my love, and my life. I want to make the most of the talent I've been given, and I believe that hard work is the key to success. Every day, I push myself to reach new levels, to become a better player, and to contribute more to the team's success.
Reporter: How do you maintain a balance between your football career and your personal life?
Yeng Gee: It's not easy, but I try to strike a balance. I have a set routine where I dedicate most of my time to training and being the best I can be. However, I also make sure to take care of my health and have some downtime to relax and rejuvenate. It's important to have a balanced approach to life.
Reporter: Is there a particular club you enjoy playing against the most?
Yeng Gee: Definitely LEO. They have a great team, and the competition is always intense when we face each other. The atmosphere is electric, and it brings out the best in me as a player. It's always a memorable experience.
Reporter: And speaking of playing, what's your favorite formation and play style?
Yeng Gee: I love playing in a 3-5-2 formation. It allows me to utilize my attacking abilities to the fullest. The play style that suits me best is aggressive and fast-paced, constantly pressuring the opponents and creating scoring opportunities.
Reporter: That's impressive. Lastly, can you share an interesting fact about your life that fans might not know?
Yeng Gee: Well, not many people know that before becoming a professional footballer, I used to be an avid painter. Art has always been my second passion after football. Although I don't have much time for it anymore, I still appreciate and find inspiration in various art forms.
Reporter: That's fascinating. Thank you for sharing that with us, Yeng Gee. We wish you continued success with the Mumbai Leopards.
Yeng Gee: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure talking to you.