Rising Young Talent Damian Elias Making Waves in Sons of the Sahya

Rising Young Talent Damian Elias Making Waves in Sons of the Sahya

Interviewer: Damian, you've been making quite a name for yourself in Sons of the Sahya despite not having played any matches this season. How do you feel about your recent exceptional form?

Damian Elias: It's definitely a bit frustrating not being able to showcase my skills on the pitch, but I'm just trying to stay focused and ready for when my opportunity comes. I've been putting in the work in training, and I know that my time will come.

Interviewer: Speaking of training, some have criticized your practice ethics, calling you lazy. How do you respond to that?

Damian Elias: Well, football is important to me, but so is having fun and spending time with my family. I wouldn't say I'm lazy, just that I have a wide range of interests. But I always give my best when I'm on the field.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. How do you maintain your health as a young player?

Damian Elias: I have to admit, I used to not be the most health-conscious on the pitch. But as I've gotten older and more experienced, I've been taking steps to adopt healthier habits. Less fast food, more keto, you know?

Interviewer: Interesting. Let's talk about your favorite club to play against, SON. Why do you enjoy playing against them?

Damian Elias: SON has always been a tough opponent, and I love the challenge they bring. It pushes me to be at my best and really test my skills.

Interviewer: And finally, can you share a random interesting fact about your life with us?

Damian Elias: Sure! One random fact about me is that I used to play the piano when I was younger. It's something I still enjoy doing in my free time.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing that, Damian. We look forward to seeing you on the pitch soon and continuing to make an impact for Sons of the Sahya.