Rodger Schroeder Talks Upcoming Match Against Rivals COB

Rodger Schroeder Talks Upcoming Match Against Rivals COB

Reporter: So, Rodger, how are you feeling about the upcoming match against COB?

Rodger Schroeder: Excited, really. They're our biggest rivals, and I always love playing against them.

Reporter: What is it about COB that makes them your favorite team to play against?

Rodger Schroeder: It's not that they're my favorite team, per se. It's just that the competition is always so high when we play them. We both want to win so badly, so it's always a really intense match.

Reporter: Your current team ranking is second out of ten teams. How do you think this match will affect your standing?

Rodger Schroeder: A win against COB could really boost our morale and push us up even higher in the rankings. But even if we don't come out on top, we'll keep pushing forward and working hard.

Reporter: Can you tell us a bit about your practice ethics and how you maintain your exceptional skill and recent form?

Rodger Schroeder: Honestly, it's all about dedication. I'm willing to sacrifice anything to become the best footballer I can be. I practice every day, even on my off days, and I always try to find new ways to push myself.

Reporter: That sounds pretty intense. Do you ever take a break?

Rodger Schroeder: Not really. I treat my body like my most important asset, so I always make sure to take care of it. That means getting enough rest, eating healthily, and avoiding anything that could hurt my performance on the field.

Reporter: What's one interesting fact about your life that people might not know?

Rodger Schroeder: Well, I used to play a lot of video games as a kid. I guess you could say that's where I got my competitive edge from.

Reporter: That's definitely interesting. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, Rodger, and good luck in your upcoming match against COB.

Rodger Schroeder: Thank you. We're going to give it our all.