Uninspiring @fanfan Struggles to Lead Sons of the Sahya

It's hard to imagine a more underwhelming manager than fanfan. With a lackluster record and little experience in the game, it's no surprise that the Sons of the Sahya have struggled under his leadership.
Perhaps the biggest issue with fanfan's managerial style is his reliance on the 4-5-1 formation. While this may work for some teams, the Sons of the Sahya simply don't have the personnel to make it work. With only one striker up top, the team struggles to create chances and often finds itself pinned back in its own half.
Despite these tactical shortcomings, fanfan seems unwilling to adapt. Whether out of stubbornness or ignorance, he continues to use the same formation week after week, even when it clearly isn't working.
The team's recent performance is a testament to fanfan's limitations as a manager. Sitting in 9th place in League 2, the second tier division, the Sons of the Sahya are a long way from achieving their goal of promotion. If they continue to perform at this level, they may even find themselves relegated to a lower division.
It's hard to say where fanfan goes from here. While he may be new to the game, his stubbornness and lack of tactical acumen suggest that he may not be cut out for management. Unless he can turn things around quickly, it may be time for the Sons of the Sahya to look for a new leader.