Veljko Sanin: The Rising Star with a Hunger for Success

Veljko Sanin: The Rising Star with a Hunger for Success

Interviewer: Veljko Sanin, thank you for joining us today. As a highly talented forward, you have been making waves in the football world. Can you tell us about your experience so far with Cusco Conductores?

Veljko Sanin: Thank you for having me. It's been an incredible journey with Cusco Conductores. The club has invested a lot in my development, and I am grateful for the opportunities they have given me to showcase my skills.

Interviewer: Your recent form has been exceptional, and your dedication to improving your game is evident. Can you describe your practice ethics and what drives you as a footballer?

Veljko Sanin: My practice ethics are extremely demanding. I am willing to do whatever it takes to get better, even if it means sacrificing everything else in my life. I have no friends, no time for fun. Football is my sole focus, and my goal is to thrive as a player. Every day, I put in countless hours of work to refine my skills and become the best version of myself.

Interviewer: That level of commitment is truly impressive. How do you manage to strike a balance between maintaining your health and pushing yourself to the limit?

Veljko Sanin: I believe in maintaining a balanced approach to my health. While I prioritize my football career, I understand the importance of taking care of my body. I follow a healthy lifestyle, making sure to eat well and stay fit. However, I also allow myself to have fun and enjoy life outside of football. It's all about finding the right equilibrium.

Interviewer: It's great to see such a disciplined approach. Now, let's talk about your favorite aspects of the game. Which club do you enjoy playing against the most?

Veljko Sanin: I have to say OLP. The matches against them are always intense and challenging. They bring out the best in me, and I relish the opportunity to test myself against their strong defense.

Interviewer: Fascinating. And what is your preferred formation on the field?

Veljko Sanin: I have a soft spot for the 3-5-2 formation. It allows me to have a solid defensive structure while also providing opportunities to attack and score goals. It brings out the best in my abilities.

Interviewer: Speaking of goals, how many have you scored this season?

Veljko Sanin: Unfortunately, I have yet to find the back of the net this season. But I am confident that with time and hard work, the goals will come.

Interviewer: We have no doubt about that. Finally, before we conclude, could you share an interesting fact about your life that our readers might find intriguing?

Veljko Sanin: Well, not many people know this, but I am an accomplished pianist. In addition to football, music has always been a passion of mine. Whenever I have a spare moment, I indulge in playing the piano, finding solace in the melodies.

Interviewer: That's truly remarkable, Veljko. Thank you for sharing that with us. We wish you all the best in your career and hope to see you continue to shine on the football field.

Veljko Sanin: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure speaking with you.