Young Defender Meily Yi Making a Name for Himself on the Pitch

Interviewer: Meily, you've been having an exceptional season so far with Sons of the Sahya. How do you feel about your recent form?
Meily Yi: Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. I've been working hard on my game and I'm glad to see it paying off on the field.
Interviewer: It's been noted that you have a wide range of interests outside of football. How do you balance your time between your hobbies and your professional career?
Meily Yi: Football is definitely important to me, but I also believe in living a well-rounded life. I enjoy spending time with my family and having fun, but when it's time to focus on the game, I give it my all.
Interviewer: Some have called you lazy due to your practice ethics. How do you respond to those criticisms?
Meily Yi: I may not always put in extra work, but I still give my best on the pitch. I believe in enjoying the game while also working hard to improve. Everyone has their own approach to training, and mine seems to be working for me.
Interviewer: Despite your laid-back attitude, you have shown exceptional skill on the field. What's your secret to success?
Meily Yi: I think it's a combination of natural talent and hard work. I may not always push myself to the limit, but when it comes to game time, I give it my all.
Interviewer: Lastly, what's your favorite part about playing against FLC?
Meily Yi: FLC always brings out the best in me. The competition is fierce, and I enjoy the challenge of facing off against some of the best players in the league.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Meily. Best of luck with the rest of the season.
Meily Yi: Thank you, I appreciate it.