Young Defender Risa Harada Opens Up About Balancing Football and Fun

Young Defender Risa Harada Opens Up About Balancing Football and Fun

Interviewer: Risa, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Can you tell us a bit about how you balance your love for football with your other interests?

Risa: Of course! Football is definitely important to me, but I also love spending time with my family and having fun with my friends. I think it's important to have a good balance in life.

Interviewer: Some have called you lazy for not putting in the extra work on the field. How do you respond to that criticism?

Risa: I wouldn't say I'm lazy, I just have a wide range of interests outside of football. I think it's important to have a life outside of the sport as well. And hey, I still manage to make it work on the field, right?

Interviewer: You've had a few injuries and concussions this season. How do you manage to push through and continue playing?

Risa: I guess you could say my body is more of a ruin than a temple! But seriously, I love the game and I'm willing to push through the pain to keep playing. It's all worth it in the end.

Interviewer: What is your favorite club to play against and why?

Risa: Definitely HOS. They always bring out the best in me and it's always a tough match. I love the challenge.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life with our readers?

Risa: Sure! I actually have a twin sister who plays basketball. We're both competitive in our own sports, but we always support each other no matter what.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Risa. Good luck with the rest of the season!

Risa: Thank you!