Young Forward Jiah Kwak Talks about His Journey to Success

Young Forward Jiah Kwak Talks about His Journey to Success

Reporter: Thank you for sitting down with us, Jiah. Let's start with your journey to becoming a professional football player. Can you tell us a bit about how you got started in the sport?

Jiah Kwak: Of course. I've been playing football since I was a kid. Growing up, I always knew that this was what I wanted to do. I trained hard, played for local clubs, and eventually caught the eye of Porto Alegre International. It's been a dream come true to play for them.

Reporter: That's fantastic to hear. How do you feel your game has developed since joining Porto Alegre International?

Jiah Kwak: I think I've definitely grown as a player since joining the club. The competition is tough, and I've had to work hard to earn my place in the team. But I've learned so much from my teammates and coaches, and I feel like my skills have improved a lot.

Reporter: You've been praised for your strong work ethic both on and off the pitch. How do you manage to balance your dedication to football with your personal life?

Jiah Kwak: It's all about finding the right balance. I take my career very seriously and put in the work to constantly improve. But I also know the importance of taking time off to relax and recharge. It's all about finding that balance and staying focused on my goals.

Reporter: That's great to hear. Now, let's talk about your health habits. We hear you've been making efforts to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Can you tell us more about that?

Jiah Kwak: Yes, as a young player, I didn't always pay attention to my health as much as I should have. But as I've gotten older, I've realized the importance of taking care of my body to prolong my career. I've been working on eating healthier, cutting out fast food, and focusing on a more keto-based diet.

Reporter: And finally, can you share with us an interesting fact about your life that fans might not know?

Jiah Kwak: Well, one thing that fans might not know about me is that I have a twin brother who also plays football. We used to play together growing up, and it was always a friendly competition between us. He's my biggest supporter and harshest critic, but I wouldn't be where I am today without him pushing me to be better.

Reporter: Thank you so much for sharing that with us, Jiah. We wish you continued success in your career with Porto Alegre International.

Jiah Kwak: Thank you. It's been a pleasure talking with you.