Young midfielder Aprilia Wibowo making waves at Valparaiso Mariners AC

Interviewer: Aprilia, congratulations on your exceptional form this season. How are you feeling about your performance so far?
Aprilia: Thank you! I'm feeling great, it's been a fantastic season for me personally. I've been working hard and it's paying off on the field.
Interviewer: You've only played one match this season, yet your recent form has been exceptional. How do you explain that?
Aprilia: I believe in quality over quantity. I may not have played many matches, but when I do, I make sure to give it my all. I always try to make an impact whenever I step onto the pitch.
Interviewer: Your practice ethics seem to be a bit relaxed compared to other players. How do you manage to maintain your level of performance?
Aprilia: I believe in finding a balance between work and play. I make sure to put in the work when it's needed, but I also enjoy having fun off the field. As long as I meet the expectations of the club, I see no reason why I can't have a good time as well.
Interviewer: You've been described as not the hardest worker but also not the worst. How do you respond to that?
Aprilia: I think everyone has their own way of approaching the game. Some players thrive on hard work, while others take a more relaxed approach. As long as I continue to perform well on the field, I'm happy with my work ethic.
Interviewer: Your healthiness seems to be a concern. How do you manage to stay fit despite partying all night and playing through injuries?
Aprilia: (laughs) Well, I wouldn't recommend my lifestyle to everyone, but it works for me. I try to take care of my body as much as possible, but sometimes you just have to push through the pain to get the job done.
Interviewer: What's your favorite club to play against and why?
Aprilia: Definitely LUC. They always bring out the best in me and it's always a tough match. I love the competition and the atmosphere whenever we face off against them.
Interviewer: Lastly, can you tell us a random interesting fact about your life?
Aprilia: Sure! I actually started playing football because of my older brother. He used to take me to the park to play with his friends, and I fell in love with the game. I owe a lot of my success to him.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Aprilia. Good luck for the rest of the season!
Aprilia: Thank you, it's been a pleasure.